PDF Download Taken , by The Alphas (Alpha Series Book 1), by Ava Adams
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Taken , by The Alphas (Alpha Series Book 1), by Ava Adams
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At 21, Audriana's family are forced to make a painful sacrifice in offering her to the Wilkshire Pack for their protection. Despite her fears, however, Audriana quickly finds herself physically attracted to the strikingly handsome Alpha named Calvin.
In human form, Calvin can be loving and affectionate, but as a wolf he is huge, white and fearsome. Will Audriana be able to look past this strange contradiction and find love in this most unlikely of unions?
Find out in Part one of the Taken By The Alphas series.
- Published on: 2014-09-30
- Released on: 2014-09-30
- Format: Kindle eBook
Most helpful customer reviews
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Deceptive Title
By Seena Reads
What Alphas? There was only one alpha. I feel that the title the author gave story does not match with storyline. It was an OK read for me. I love my paranormal werewolf stories but this story was not focused on the werewolves. It focused on the twins Audriana and Noreen and the prophecy of the kingdom. The prophecy was that the royal family would give a girl to each werewolf generation. It was never explained why.
I also want to know what virgin wakes up in a dark room and let's a man have sex with her ...unreal. This story might have had potential but it fell flat as I read on. It is a series book maybe there's hope.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
taken by the alphas
By Mary Ann Winstead
The prophet told his queen and king that they would have 8 girls. In which one is the chosen one. After 6 still born births the queen gave birth to twin girls. The prophet also told them that on her 21st birthday they have to let her go. It was hard for them to choose. So when their birthday came audria was the chosen one and left for the werewolves. This story was extremely short. It was ok.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Loved it!!
By Ketarra Rowen
Loved this book! Is was a sexy read!
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